Tuesday, June 28, 2011

BIG girl!

No, I'm not going to tell you that my 21 month old is potty-trained.  I would love it if she was, but we're just not quite to that point yet...

A little backstory:

Adalyn has always HATED the "pack-n-play"

At home in her crib, she was such a good sleeper, lay her down and she goes right into a peaceful sleep

Lay her down in the pack-n-play and she FIGHTS it, screams, bangs on the sides, screams, etc...and then falls asleep

side note: you can't even put her in there after she is already asleep.  she has some sort of sixth sense and ALWAYS wakes up and screams

You can see the problem we were faced with when we moved to Seattle.  Obviously, we couldn't bring her cushy crib

After about a week of her fighting and me fighting every nap time and bedtime, and wondering if our close-proximity-sharing-a-wall-neighbors absolutely hated us...we decided to try something new

Enter: the twin bed

Adalyn loved sleeping on this...it was a whole new world

The first night, she did great!

I slept on the other bed in the room in case she fell off, but was pleasantly surprised when I wasn't needed

The next night, I was wakened in my bed by a big THUD!  

I ran into Addy's room and she was standing next to her bed with her little head tilted, resting on the mattress and she just moaned a tired little "ah oh..."

She was so tired and fell back asleep instantly. I decided I better sleep in her room again on the bed next to her to prevent more falls...or so I thought...

Twice more, during the night she just slipped right off the bed and there was nothing I could do in my slumbering state to prevent it!  

Good news, she didn't get any scrapes or bruises...I try to be a good mother, I do.

So the next day we decided to take off the box springs and rails and just have the mattress on the floor. Guess we should have just done that to begin with?

Works wonderfully!  

Also works wonderfully to threaten her with sleeping in the pack-n-play crib if she doesn't want to lay down :)

There you have it

In a really long post,

My BIG girl!

We worried that she would get out of bed and run around getting into mischief, happy to say so far she has been an angel! She doesn't even get up when she wakes up, she just calls for me! 

Now what am I going to do with our crib?

1 comment:

*natalie said...

Time for a little sister?