Sunday, June 10, 2012

Major catch-up

I don't want to not document the past let's see, 5 months? For my own purposes I'm doing a quick update/recap since January.  Here goes:

Seth celebrated another birthday.  Adalyn really likes it when people have birthdays.  She kept saying, "It's your birthday and MY birthday CAKE!" She likes to help pick out the cake, sing happy birthday and blow out the candles.

I was also able to throw a fun baby shower for my best friend Laura in January.  We had a waffle bar/brunch.  It was so much fun to put together.  Sometimes I wonder if I should have been a party planner? haha...

 It was so fun to see old friends and catch up!

side note:  I don't know why I can never spell February.  It has the dumbest spelling and I always have to use auto-correct.  Seth made fun of me when I wrote it wrong on the fridge calendar and sent a picture to his friends.  Yeah, not very nice...

Anywho,  February was an exciting month!  We went to Disneyland!  Seth randomly called me one day and said, "So, a bunch of families from the MBA program are going to Disneyland in a couple weeks, wanna go?"  Uh, YEAH I do!  We had been talking about possibly taking Adalyn before we make the big move back east (just realized I don't think I've written anything about that...Seth signed a job offer with Bayer back in December in their consumer care division as an Associate Brand Manager...we are moving to NEW JERSEY!)

We had some bumps during the month before we got to Disneyland.  Literally.  Ok, well, just Addy had bumps.  
Took her to the doctor, and he didn't have a clue.  (So glad to be done with the student health clinic) Some virus, he thought.  Maybe hand, foot and mouth disease...But, I'm pretty sure he was completely wrong.  I'm quite certain it was chicken pox, just a really light case because she was vaccinated.

 In other news, Addy was potty-trained!  It went really well and she caught on super-fast!  I was so proud of her and thought that it wasn't bad at all!  Let me say, now that it is 3 or 4 months later I know how difficult and frustrating potty training truly is, and it's not something that happens in 3 days or a week.  She has had relapses and is one of the most stubborn people on the face of this earth.  I love you Addy, but you are for sure testing our patience :)

The day before we were supposed to head to California, Addy's eye decided to look like this:

So, off we went to the doctor again.  Went to the urgent care clinic and got a wrong diagnosis again. (although the doctor this time confirmed that I was probably right on the chicken pox...I love being right)  Anyway, he gave us drops and said it was just pink eye and it should start to look better by morning.  Phew.

Well, it didn't look much better.  We left anyway because we were in a caravan with friends and staying with them at their parent's house that night.  She got a priesthood blessing Sunday night, which she screamed all the way through, and Monday morning, which was a holiday, it was way worse and sooo sooo swollen. My friend's awesome dad hooked us up with a pediatrician that he knew that luckily happened to be open for part of the holiday morning. We took her in and upon walking in the room he instantly said, "periorbital cellulitis." Serious stuff.  I still don't know how she got it, but she had to get an antibiotic shot of Rocephin in her hip and take oral antibiotics for 10 days as well as stronger eye drops.  (Seriously, the first time in her over 2 years of life that she had to be on an antibiotic. Thank you breast milk)
So after all the eye fiasco, we prayed that the medicine would work and she could enjoy her first time at Disneyland.  And it did. And she did.

Although she was very excited to be at Disneyland, I think she was also a little shocked at everything.  It took her a little time to adjust to everything and by that night so had exhausted herself.

2nd morning she woke up and said "I can open my eye!" Addy was so excited to go back to Disneyland the next day.  Half way through the "It's a Small World" ride she looked at me and Seth and said "Let's get outta here!" Haha...such a long ride!

She got to see at least one of her favorite princesses, Snow White.  She was really hoping for Belle, but loved Snow White and asked her about her favorite dwarf, Dopey.  Snow White told her Dopey really is so funny in real life.
She also saw Sleeping Beauty, she didn't care for much at the time.  She asked her where Belle was and started walking off, then Seth got her to ask about her horse. So now she knows that Aurora's horse likes carrots and Rapunzel's horse likes apples.  I know everyone wanted to know that!
Seth's cousin, Tony and daughter, Ariana met us in the afternoon.  They have a pass and he takes his daughter every Wednesday.  So fun to see them.

Addy watched the "World of Color" show with her eyes and her mouth wide open the entire time.  I have to say, it was pretty darn amazing!
By the 3rd day, Seth was coming down with a cold so we hit only a few attractions that we really wanted to do again and see.  The first day when we saw the characters Addy was a little scared but by the last day when we ran into Pluto, as we were walking away after the picture she said, "Wait, I have to give him a kiss!" So she gave  Pluto a big hug and a kiss on his nose. It was so cute! She kept saying that Pluto was her best friend.
picking out which princess hat to get

Bugs life that completely freaked her out.

Left the park after a half a day to start the drive to Vegas for the night.  She was out before we even left the hotel parking lot!
We are so glad that we took the opportunity to go to Disneyland.  We were told by a lot of people that Addy wouldn't remember a thing and we should wait until she is older.  Well, she hasn't stopped talking about it 5 months later! She remembers her favorite rides, {Monsters Inc, Little Mermaid, Winnie the Pooh, Peter Pan}she remembers which princesses and characters she saw and which ones she still needs to find next time.  She still wants to go back "tomorrow" every day.  I loved Disneyland before, but with a child it is soooo much better! Can't wait until our next trip...maybe to Disneyworld because it will be closer to us!

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