Two BIG things to note that happened on that day:
1) She giggled at her daddy (he has been anxiously waiting to make her laugh)
2) She slept through the ENTIRE night without waking up once!
1) She giggled at her daddy (he has been anxiously waiting to make her laugh)
2) She slept through the ENTIRE night without waking up once!
weight: 13 pounds 3 ounces (95%)
height: 24 inches (95%)
head: 15 inches (31%)
Yes, we definitely have a chunkster on our hands!
...and my own stat--hair: 2 inches
- has gorgeous blue eyes and long eyelashes (she gets this from her dad)
- likes to put her fists and hands in her mouth (she also gets this from her dad, haha just kidding)
- LOVES watching her mobile in the crib and the swing (her face just lights up)
- is not losing her baby hair, in fact, it is growing out a lighter color and she has roots! (see picture below)
- LOVES to kick, play, and relax in the bathtub and get her hair washed and head massaged
- HATES when bathtime is over!
- hair is curly when it's wet (see below)
- doesn't care much for tummy time
- likes to stick her tongue in and out like a lizard
- hates it when we're driving and have to stop at a red light (don't we all!?!)
- likes to be walked around upright facing forward (Seth says thank goodness for baby bjorn)
- smiles a lot, especially when she sees mom or dad
- has both of her parents smitten!