I was inspired by Cassie's quick update on her blog and realized that it's been quite a while...So here's a recap of the happenings at our house:
1. Still pregnant, out of the first trimester, feeling tons better, we find out in 2 weeks: boy or girl, and officially can't fit into many of my pants...
2. Still working 44 (sometimes more) hours a week, which means I sleep when I should clean the house when I'm not working (which explains why I haven't blogged much lately)...
3. Seth joined a professional business fraternity at UNLV (alpha kappa psi); perhaps you will see video of him soon singing, "Gettin' Jiggy Wit It" at a fraternity karaoke night...He also got to be a part of a "flash mob" for United Way on the Las Vegas Strip a couple of weeks ago. You can youtube it by using "flash mob united way las vegas" if you want...
4. Seth graduates with his bachelor's degree from UNLV in MAY!
5. We bought two tickets to Europe for a trip in May with Scott & Cassie...sooo excited!
6. Finally, not too long ago our Sunday sleep-in time was rudely interrupted to the sound of our neighbor pounding on our door, windows, and frantically ringing the doorbell wanting us to turn our water off! How Rude!!! Okay, to be fair, our water heater basically exploded and flooded her house, so maybe...just maybe she had good reason...